• Exhibition Jan Hus 1415/2015

    The Hussite Museum in Tábor presents exposition on the occasion of 600s anniversary of Master Jan Hus’s death at the stake from 6th June untill 31st October 2015 in the Old municipal hall of the town of Tábor.  High volume exhibition on life and work of one of the our most significant Czech historical personality contains unique exhibits, when many of them were not exposed yet. There are lent the collection articles from whole Czech Republic even from abroad for the purpose of this rare project. Among the unique exhibits belongs especially the late Gothic altar-wings from Roudníky village (Hussite Museum), the altar-desk from Vlíněves village (Lobkowicz collections) and the Predela from Chrudim town (Chrudim Regional Museum), the cutting of so called Hus's cloak  (Musée Unterlinden Colmar/Elsas-France) or Václav Brožík's painting Jan Hus before the Council of Constance (National Gallery in Prague) and many other nonsuch subjects. More
  • Betlémská kaple v Praze 1402-1412

    Jan Hus Movie
